Akshay Aggarwal bio photo

Akshay Aggarwal

What a sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to human soul

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At present, I’m working as a software engineer with Twilio in Prague, Czechia.

Graduate of LCT Program, I did my master’s in Computational Linguistics from Charles University (Czechia, 2020) and University of Basque Country (Spain, 2019).

Whatever free time I find from work and reading, I devote to automating mundane tasks by scripting them, trying to learn and/or read about different languages in the world, browsing random articles on wikipedia, and gaming.

On Reading

I used to read more voraciously, but have recently lost my way with the books. A few works I have tremendously enjoyed include 1984 (George Orwell), Fahrenheit 351 (Ray Bradbury), Sputnik Sweetheart (Haruki Murakami), A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens), The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas), among others.

Apart from those listed above already, some of my other favorite authors include H.G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe, Ruskin Bond, Franz Kafka, Munshi Premchand, and Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay.

If I had to recommend a few works that everyone would benefit from, I’d pick the following:

  • If on a winter’s night a traveller by Italo Calvino
    Originally written in Italian
    [More on this book]

  • Panchtantra (Five Treatises) by Vishnu Sharma
    Originally written in Sanskrit
    [More on this book]

  • Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
    Originally written in English
    [More on this book]

Research Interests

So far, I have been trying to better understand the concepts of Morpho-Syntax, Morphology, Syntax, Parsing, while focusing on Universal Dependencies Project.

I have been equally interested in Machine Translation, Language Independent Tools and Technologies, and am trying to learn more about them, whilst trying to solve more and more problems related to Indic and low-resource languages.